
Building Trust Over Time in Human-Agent Relationships.

D.M. Olson, Y. Xu.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction


Breakbeat Narratives: A Personalized, Conversational Interactive Storytelling System for Museum Education.

D.M. Olson, N. Soliman, A. Wang, M. Price, R. Sahu, D.F. Harrell.
In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Modeling Racial and Ethnic Socialization for Interactive Storytelling.

D.M. Olson, D.F. Harrell.
In Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium (AAAI 2019)


Cultural Computing/Indigenous Values.

D.F. Harrell, D.M. Olson.
Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence Workshop (IP AI 2019)


Africa and the Avatar Dream: Mapping the Impacts of Videogame Representations of Africa.

D.F. Harrell, S. Sengün, D. Olson.
The Digital Black Atlantic (Eds. Kelly Josephs and Roopika Risam), University of Minnesota Press, 2019

Foundations of Interaction in the Virtual Reality Medium.

D. Olson, D.F. Harrell, A. Sutherland, C. Zaman.
Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games (Ed. N. Lee), Springer International Publishing AG, 2018.


Exploring the Use of Virtual Identities for Broadening Participation in Computer Science Learning.

D.F. Harrell, D. Olson, D. Kao, A. Rodriguez, L. Carney, S. Veeragoudar.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2018)


Reasonable Perception: Connecting Vision and Language Systems for Validating Scene Descriptions.

L.H. Gilpin, C. Zaman, D. Olson, and B.Z. Yuan.
In HRI '18 Companion: 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Companion


Perception of Speaker Personality Traits Using Speech Signals.

L.H. Gilpin, D. Olson and T. Alrashed.
In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Growing Youth Curiosity and Self-Confidence in STEAM with Gique.

D. Olson, A. Davis-Polanco, P. Getzen, G. Rabadam.
SciArt Magazine, Vol. 26, Special Topics: STEAM, 2017


Authoring Conversational Narratives in Games with the Chimeria Platform.

D.F. Harrell, D. Kao, C. Lim, J. Lipshin, A. Sutherland, J. Makivic, D. Olson.
In Proceedings of Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2014)




  • ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems [Attendee]
    Online (April/May 2022)
  • Titans of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Symposium [Attendee]
    Online (Feb 2022)


  • Game Developers Conference (GDC) [ABK Women in Games Scholarship Winner, Sponsored Attendee]
    Online (July 2021)
  • International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction [Paper Presenter]
    Online (Nov 2021)


  • Virtual Cambridge CHI Event [Non-Paper Track Presenter]
    Online (May 2020)
  • International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games [Paper Presenter]
    Online (Sep 2020)


  • Indigenous Protocol and AI Workshop [Workshop Participant]
    University of Hawaii (Mar 2019)
  • Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium [Speaker]
    Stanford University (Mar 2019)
  • SENSE.nano [Poster]
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sept 2019)
  • Connected Learning Summit [Workshop Presenter]
    University of California at Irvine (Oct 2019)


  • MIT and Nord Anglia Education Annual STEAM Summit [Workshop Presenter]
    Houston, TX (Jan 2018)
  • NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering Conference [Poster]
    Alexandria, VA (Mar 2018)
  • ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems [Poster]
    Montreal, QC (Apr 2018)
  • Interventions: A Student-Led Design Conference [Invited Panelist]
    Northeastern University (Apr 2018)
  • National Center for Women & Information Technology Summit [Speaker]
    Grapevine, TX (May 2018)
  • Immersive Learning Research Network International Conference [Speaker]
    University of Montana (June 2018)


  • Black Women in Computing Conference [Sponsored Attendee]
    Washington, D.C. (Jan 2017)
  • Institute for African-American Mentoring in Computing Sciences Women's Summit [Sponsored Attendee]
    University of Florida (April 2017)
  • MIT-Nord Anglia STEAMFest [Workshop Presenter]
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (May 2017)
  • National Society of Blacks in Computing Conference [Sponsored Attendee]
    Atlanta, GA (June 2017)
  • Educators of Color Conference [Speaker]
    Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (June 2017)
  • MIT Alumni Leadership Conference [Invited Panelist]
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sep 2017)
  • Google Student Research Summit [Poster]
    YouTube HQ, San Bruno, CA (Oct 2017)
  • Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems,
    Black in AI and Women in ML Workshops [Poster]

    Long Beach, CA (Dec 2017)


  • Youth Conference for Alumni of Color Conference [Speaker]
    Harvard Graduate School of Education (Mar 2016)


  • Microsoft TechReady 20 Conference [Speaker]
    Seattle, WA (Jan 2015)
  • Microsoft TechReady 21 Conference [Speaker]
    Seattle, WA (July 2015)
  • Intercollegiate Business Convention presented by Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business [Invited Panelist]
    Boston, MA (Oct 2015)


  • From Vision to Practice Institute, Virginia Department of Education Annual Conference [Speaker]
    Williamsburg, VA (July 2013)

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